I did this in 2014 and kept it on tap looking for good timing to post it, but that timing never happened. The biggest reason was I was always afraid that people would take it the wrong way, as some people seem to think that these comics are representative 100% of the time when really they aren’t.
This situation happened to a friend of mine whose therapist was completely sure that her illness was from something sexual. Although sexual trauma or abuse can lead to mental illness, it doesn’t mean that all mental illness stems from that, especially for women. When I finished this strip, she said it pretty much happened like this. but because I was afraid of people taking it the wrong way I didn’t post it. You know, people who might say that this belittles the role of sexual trauma or abuse in causing mental illness when I’m really trying to say that mental illness can happen for a variety of reasons and not everything has to be sexual (a sarcastic thanks to Freud for that one).