Usagiscribbles, who gave us depression comix’s first fan art with her depiction of depressed character #2, now gives us another with her take on Society:
The Society is the character from Depression Comix. Who told you that even that bitch isn’t deeply fucked up?
Or she could be faking, because, you know, being depressed is so edgy and is healed by shopping uguu~
Interpret it as you like.
I gave her an unique “smile” picture with lips because she is The Society after all, DUH.
You can see her original piece on deviantart here. Thank you very much, usagiscribbles!
Moira Shepherd says
…I have never heard Western Society say “uguu”, but…
depression comix says
Usagiscribbles is not from Western society.
Moira Shepherd says
AH< I assumed Society was Western because she looks like an American ideal of beauty rather than, say, Japanese.
depression comix says
Society’s bullshit is all over the world, even moreso here in Japan.
Ironically, the ideal of beauty in Japan is really quite American, to the point where Caucasian models make up a good portion of the fashion ads despite comprising less than half a percent of the Japanese population. Children of mixed decent (known sadly as “half”) are incredibly popular too.
depression comix says
That should be Caucasians make up less than one half of the total Japanese population, not fashion models.
depression comix says
One half of one percent. Geez, i can’t get it together today.
HalfBloodJap says
Hey at ;least us happas (happa being the term used here for half bloods) are gorgeous. Kind of lost between two cultures but at least we look good….
Lu says
Interesting. If her eyes were covered (instead of her mouth) Society looks like Chie Sakamachi’s sibling.
clay says
Chie herself makes a cameo in depcom #235.