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Anne says
I very rarely had physical contact before this, so not much has changed for me, but might explain why my mental health has always been bad.
Opus the Poet says
I had been using getting massaged to fulfill my needs for physical contact, but it’s been more than 2 months since I last got one. And it wasn’t like I didn’t need massage for other reasons, I have many old injuries that get tight until I can hardly move when I don’t get massage. After all, getting hit by cars and trucks hard enough to cause the vehicles to be undrivable after does a lot of damage even when I can walk away from the wreck, and that one I wasn’t able to walk away from was just terrible. But the only damage it did to my mind was another trigger for my PTSD. And the injury that needs massage the most was the benign tumor removed from the back of my neck.
jackmarten says
i never really liked social or physical contact from my childhood, being an introvert, is a bless. and for a person with depression.. oh well nothing really changed. i know that Robin has her gf Wren / known previously as freckles girl, and both are simply the best couple in all these comix.
so i can understand a little bit how hard this is for Robin, but cheer up girl! at least … you aren’t ruining anything for Wren when you are both distancing … …. yeah i have never before had any close friends, so i have no idea what it’s like to be deprived by law from contacting your acquaintances and whatnot
for me i never had any to begin with it … sigh .. just stay strong Robin. if you need to call Wren, or whatever. you still can.
Inbal Neumark says
Where is Wren?
Tab Enta says
[cries in Living Alone]
Siska Mustatassu says
It is. You realise the important things when you lose them. *Big hug to everyone*