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Natália Guimarães says
that’s why I quit alcohol
hangovers became just hell
Isabella Yturrez says
oh god, hangovers are the fucking WORST.
jbthazard says
During my worst times, getting too drunk ALWAYS led to terrible moments. A little bit was fine, but everyone reacts differently and needs to know what their own threshold is.
Gill Birch de Sebastián says
Yeah, think before you drink.
We’ve all been down that highway to hell.
Agarax says
I did think, and so never started drinking. My depression began shortly before I could drink legally, and I knew alcohol would only make things worse. It’s probably best if I just keep on avoiding it.
Jenny Islander says
WHOAYEAH. Low blood sugar is bad enough. Hangovers must be hell.
Teetotal for Life
Keith Gottschalk says
The first two are very true for me. When I get sick, I just sleep and sleep. I can’t drink anymore because of my liver but I do NOT miss hangovers!
Katherine Devonshire (@KitKatKnitter) says
237 | depression comix
Madeleine Klein says
UGH. I had my first hangover in *years* a couple weeks ago; it reminded me why I don’t really drink. Yikes!!
Thomas says
And just like that, this comic crossed a threshold for me. Before, it showed to me I wasn’t alone with things I experienced, and explained some of the implications of all of it. This time it showed me a probable reason for why I didn’t and don’t experience certain things, and maybe, just maybe, that some choices I made – for example to not drink alcohol – may have been the right ones after all, for more reasons than I had thought before.
Again, like always, thanks, Clay.
Ninez says
Been drunk exactly once in my life, and took a week to recover my equilibrium. Will never do that again.
Walther says
I’ve always been very relieved I never got into the habit of drinking alcohol. I suspect if I had, I would be an alcoholic out of the desire for self-medication.
Koz says
Oh man, DRINKING! Totally seemed like the answer to me for so long. Made is so easy to be sociable. Then smaller and smaller amounts affected me worse and worse and now it’s like screw it. No more drinking, no more easy human interactions. For all the good it did.
Nick says
You saw that too, didn’t you, Valerie…
Sophie says
I am probably on my own in that the morning after drinking I feel my greatest. Alcohol was never the problem with my depression. Also I quite liked being physically ill; it made me feel like people would finally feel sorry for me when my mental health was often overlooked. Or that I had an actual reason for not feeling good, as depression can have no obvious cause or reason.
Dana W says
I still remember the last two times I was not depressed. it lasted almost four hours both times. one was in 1997 in the spring, and again in 2004 early February.
Natasha (@W1ldNat) says
237 via @depressioncomix
@mahideia says
sobre o dia de hoje. e a minha gripe. via @depressioncomix
Frostbitten says
Oddly, I actually feel pretty good when I’m sick. It’s a valid reason to lay around feeling shitty, which is what I was gonna do anyway, but without the added guilt!
Jay says
This comic touches my soul so much because there is not a single character who fits well into the roles of “good” and “bad.” Every character makes mistakes, hurts others, and deals with situations and decisions too complicated to have an easy solution. Every character has a story, a struggle, a flaw. Most realistic characters ever. Thank you <3